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Art, artists and pedagogy : philosophy and the arts in education
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781138500518 1138500518 9781138500600 1138500607 1351387367 1351387359 1315143887 Year: 2018 Publisher: Abingdon Routledge

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This volume has been brought together to generate new ideas and provoke discussion about what constitutes arts education in the twenty-first century, both within the institution and beyond. Art, Artists and Pedagogy is intended for educators who teach the arts from early childhood to tertiary level, artists working in the community, or those studying arts in education from undergraduate to Masters or PhD level. From the outset, this book is not only about arts in practice but also about what distinguishes the `arts' in education. Exploring two different philosophies of education, the book asks what the purpose of the arts is in education in the twenty-first century. With specific reference to the work of Gert Biesta, questions are asked as to the relation of the arts to the world and what kind of society we may wish to envisage. The second philosophical set of ideas comes from Deleuze and Guattari, looking in more depth at how we configure art, the artist and the role played by the state and global capital in deciding on what art education has become. This book provides educators with new ways to engage with arts, focusing specifically on art, music, dance, drama and film studies. At a time when many teachers are looking for a means to re-assert the role of the arts in education this text provides many answers with reference to case studies and in-depth arguments from some of the world's leading academics in the arts, philosophy and education.

Dat is pedagogiek : actuele kwesties en sleutelteksten uit de Westerse pedagogische traditie van de 20ste eeuw
ISBN: 9789462701496 9462701490 Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire Pers Leuven

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Referentiewerk voor pedagogen en iedereen met interesse in het pedagogisch denken.. anthologie van meer dan 40 sleutelteksten uit verschillende pedagogische domeinen. basiswerk voor wie pedagogiek studeert, voor wie pedagogisch werkzaam is of voor wie interesse heeft in het pedagogisch denken. geschikt voor zowel academische als professionele master- en bacheloropleidingen die te maken hebben met pedagogische vraagstellingen. inspiratiebron voor leerkrachten, opvoeders, ouders en iedereen die werkzaam is in de pedagogische of sociale hulpverleningscontextPedagogische praktijken en instellingen zoals de school, het gezin, de universiteit, de zorg, en het jeugd- en volwassenenwerk ondergaan grondige veranderingen. Ze stellen de pedagogiek voor de uitdaging om met deze veranderingen zowel theoretisch als praktisch om te gaan. In Dat is pedagogiek vindt de lezer hiertoe de nodige inspiratie. In het boek worden de belangrijke teksten uit de westerse pedagogische traditie van de 20ste eeuw samengebracht, in Nederlandse vertaling en voorzien van een korte introductie en situering. Het zijn stuk voor stuk sleutelteksten die tot op vandaag betekenisvol en actueel zijn. Ze stimuleren en voeden discussies binnen de pedagogiek. Tegelijk vormen de verzamelde en vertaalde tekstfragmenten ook een handig referentiewerk voor wie pedagogiek studeert, voor wie pedagogisch werkzaam is of voor wie interesse heeft in het pedagogisch denken van de 20ste eeuw.bron:

Teaching to transgress : education as the practice of freedom
ISBN: 0415908086 0415908078 9780415908078 9780415908085 1135200009 0203700287 1135200017 1306518520 9780203700280 Year: 1994 Publisher: New York : Routledge,

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In this book, the author shares her philosophy of the classroom, offering ideas about teaching that fundamentally rethink democratic participation. She writes about a new kind of education, education as the practice of freedom. She advocates the process of teaching students to think critically and raises many concerns central to the field of critical pedagogy, linking them to feminist thought. In the process, these essays face squarely the problems of teachers who do not want to teach, of students who do not want to learn, of racism and sexism in the classroom. Teaching students to "transgress" against racial, sexual, and class boundaries in order to achieve the gift of freedom is, for the author, the teacher's most important goal. -- From back cover.


Educational sciences --- Critical pedagogy --- Enseignement (Activité) --- Feminism and education --- Feminisme en onderwijs --- Féminisme et enseignement --- Kritische pedagogie --- Onderwijs (Activiteit) --- Pédagogie critique --- Teaching --- United States --- Critical thinking --- Study and teaching --- Feminism and education. --- Education --- Feminism --- Prejudice --- Thinking --- 37.01 --- Lerarenopleiding; Educatieve Master --- Vooroordelen ; partijdigheid --- Racisme --- Feminisme --- Kritische pedagogiek --- Paulo Freire --- Multiculturalisme --- Critical Thinking --- Thinking Skills --- Thought --- Thinking Skill --- Thinking, Critical --- Thoughts --- Anti-Semitism --- Islamophobia --- Anti Semitism --- Anti-Semitisms --- Islamophobias --- Prejudices --- Feminist Ethics --- Ethics, Feminist --- Women's Rights --- Activities, Educational --- Educational Activities --- Workshops --- Literacy Programs --- Training Programs --- Activity, Educational --- Educational Activity --- Literacy Program --- Program, Literacy --- Program, Training --- Programs, Literacy --- Programs, Training --- Training Program --- Workshop --- Students --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training --- Education and feminism --- Critical humanism in education --- Radical pedagogy --- Critical theory --- Popular education --- Transformative learning --- Onderwijs ; theoretische beschouwingen --- education --- Implicit Bias --- Bia, Implicit --- Bias, Implicit --- Critical pedagogy. --- Teaching. --- Study and teaching. --- Education, Humanities --- vooroordelen --- intercultureel onderwijs --- United States of America --- Gender --- Multiculturalism --- Racism --- Social class --- Theory --- Book

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